Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Glyos: Pushing The Edge Of Space

Matt Doughty and his small independent operation Onell Design produce the Glyos System series of toys, a hybrid of building toy and action figure. Doughty also produces a great amount of inspiration for toy collectors and builders around the world. In his Glyos Transmission Web Log, Matt features his Glyos creations artully photographed in creative configurations and with what I consider to be deeply immersive background sets. Whether with buildings constructed from his vinyl Block toys or in the picturesque Massachusetts outdoors or in caverns of flowing urethane or within the masterpiece of a dingy metal 'holding cell' that he used as a background for years, Matt has created and shown his toys in a beautiful world that is well in-tune with the aesthetic of his figures- an aesthetic that calls back on classic toys and video games of the past but also ventures in new directions of its own.

     I feel rewarded to have collected Glyos for a few years now, and I often feel inspired to create my own slices of the Glyos universe. In 2011 I constructed a simple hangar set for a Glyan figure and his White Skull Division Rig (Blue Version). Here are a couple photos of this. My use of scrap material is plainly evident.

     I cannot possibly recommend a toy more strongly than I can recommend Glyos. The product and price are both outstanding and the people behind it are brilliantly talented and a pleasure to deal with. Thank you, Matt and Michelle.

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